Monday, April 2, 2012
T - U V - W - X - Y Z
table lamisahan
tablet tablitas
tadpole bita
tail ikug
tail (fowl, bird) ipuy
tailor mananahi
take uwit
take a break himlay take a look gil-at
take advantage of bintabh; lupig
take after (parents) sumpii
take after (resemble) liwat
take apart bengkag; tanggal
take apart (ties) tangkas
take aside alone tabis
take away from agaw
take back b a m
take care of alima,; arigla;
tanul; uyamu
take good Fare of panday&*
take hold of saray
take in fist gamak
take leave of p a m a d ,
take lightly bayan-bayan
take off puwas
take off (article of clothing) luwas,
take off clothing lebas
take out of (container) butbut
take out of pot das-en
take part in lagkes; tampu
take picture litratu
take pinch of pindit
take place kaula-ulu
take place of bulip,; ilis; sub<
take portion ambit
take pulse bimulsu
take refuge abut; dangep
take sides with laban
take step lakad
take turns sub1
talisman dagen; kinaadman
talk ikagi
talk about subay
talk in sleep uyam
talk with lalang
tall (object) tangkaw
tall (palm tree) l u p g ,
tall (person) langkaweg;
tame amuk; tagam
tamper with bilabet
tangle up gusang
tank (water) tangki
tap kambis; tuktuk
taper l i p s
taper off (rain) tilik-tilik
tarnish tagimtim
taro labug
tassel (corn) bagbag
taste nanam
tasteless t a b a n g
tasty maemis
tattered gisay
tattoo patik
taunt sumbil
taut beget
tax bubis
teach nau; tudlii
teacher magnanau; mununudia
teacher (female) maistra
teacher (male) ma i s tm
tear d m kagas
tear into pieces (from pounding)
tear off hiblit; kanlat; lekat,
tear open bulari; yasyas
tear (rip) litas; yab3
tears (in eyes) lubh; panliiigayan
tease sumbil; uliyat
tedious mabigut
tell batbat; ikagi; sugid; tultul
tell in detail saysay
tell lie b i ~
tell on sumbung
tell riddle a u t u k
tell story nanungen
tell t o stop baldeng
tempt panulay
ten s amp u l i
tenant farmer saup,
tend animals bakiru
tender (not hard) mahumel
tenderhearted buutan; maluluy-en
tendon ulsban
terminate pangkus; tapus; tiwas,
termite auaay
terrible mangilngig
test sulay
testify t i s t i i u s
tether t a g k
thanks salamat
there (by you) diyan
there (in distance) diyd
therefore aman
thick makepal
thick (dense) mulabung
thief taka? tulisan
thigh bubun
thin magasi
thin (animals) danggit
thin (not thick) manipis
things butang
think bend-bend
thirsty kalauwan
thirty katluan
thorn dugi
thought bend-bend
thought (mistaken) abi; naugen
thousand libu
thrash around saraw
thread tan61
three tatulu
thresh with feet gunas
thriftily use atii-atl; inut
throat bakeleng; taleki-teki
throb in pain egtek; ngetnget
throb (pain) el-el
throw a t lanteng
throw a t (in distance) balareng
throw away lambeg
throw down hard dagbh; dakdak
throw (end over end) palatek
throw hard bunlawit
thmw (into fire, water) agbul
throw out bantivel
throw spear bangkaw
throw stones batu
thrust into pilak; tug-ad
thrust into (opening) lugak; luglug
thumb ambabakal; inay-inay,
thunder lugung
thunderclap dagsang
tick (animal) katu
tickle gilek; ketek
ticklish magigilek
tie around bedbed
tie around tightly kedked
tie in knot baligbut; balingetnget
tie up bakus; bik6t; tagkes
tie up (inanimate) hagkes; hangget
tied (equal score) tabla,
tight heget
tight (flooring, walls) dimpet
tilt to one side kiling
tilt to one side (body) dilay
time panabuu; u r a s
time limit tagal,
timepiece urasan
timid baligaybaan
tiny mayentek
tip over bantang
tip (point) pule
tired per3
tired of dulaan
tired of doing tapul
to duun
toad bakbak
tobacco tabakii
tobacco (chew) laget
today iman
toe (big) ambabakal; iuay-iuay,
toe (little) angingingking
together (same time) dengau
toilet ind* kasilyas
tomato kamatis
tomorrow asem
tongue dild
too dahn u n t i l
too much s u b r a
tool biman
tool (digging) bagwal
tools galamiten; kasangkapan
tooth ngipen
tooth (canine eye) ungal
tooth (molar) hag-ang
toothless liyem
top of sampaw
top of mountain bubungan;
top (toy) kasing
torment dagmal; pasipala
torn (tattered) gisay
tortoise bauu
tav, (into big fire) d a u b
toss (into fire, water) agbul
toss out bantiwel
toss to o n e side labya
total up balansi; kwinta
touch bilabet; ibit
touch bottom (water) tegkad
touch (emotions) tandeg,
touch lightly kambis
touch with finger kablit; tubluk
touch with hands damdam; dam@
tough (hard) matigsen
tough (resilient) mabunit
tow guyud
town banuwa
toy alb-alb,
t r a c k d a n i
trade baylu
trademark marka
traditional kinadaan
trail dalan; ig-agi
train mansu
train (discipline) suwitu
trait kinaiya
trample gunas; lagunas; t a k u n i
trample down (plants) lusdek
tranquil malinaw
transfer balhin; halin,
transfer (disease) dalin
transfer (with belongings) laglag
transform balhin; kabuhat;
transgress supak
translate hubad
translucent mailag
transparent mailag
transplant (seedlings) galung,
travel hipanaw
treacherously fight liput
tread lagunss
treat as isip
treat as inferior paamani
treat as significant bali-bali
treat badly daegdaeg
treat cruelly dagmal
treat well pandayi,
treat with medicine b u l h ~ g ; tambal
tree kayu
tree (fallen) batang
tremble hugdun
trench kana1
trick ilad
trick by lying birii
trickle down (saliva) sayayat
trigger off bekas
trim off lagiplip; laplap
trim (tree) tunglu
trip w e r salagpit
tripod (for cooking pot) sig-aug
troubled k a s amu k mabegat ha
trough balahugi; palungan
trousers bahag
true l a w ; untul
trunk kaban
trust s a l i
trustworthy knsaliian
truth kamatuuran; laus,
tly sulay
try judicially biitiga
tuberculosis itika
tuck in (shirt) luup
tuck skirt under (when sitting)
pangimpc panikus
tug at sangguyud
tumble down headlong balintuwi;
tumult gubut
tune lageng; sunata
tune (instrument) angay,
turkey pabu
turn biyu; liib
turn around (rotate) bileng
turn around (spin) tuyuk,
turn aside slmay
turn back on talikud
turn from salikway
turn head to side keleug; ling3
turn into kabuhat; kahimu
turn off (light) pereng
turn off (road) balikung
turn over b a l i k a d ; lised;
turn over on side takilid
turn w e r t o data
turtle bauu
tusk ungal
tweak ear bingbiug
twenty kaluwaan
twigs l a n g i ~ liag
twine lubid
twins saleping
twist bulibid
twist around repeatedly tabed
twist body bihul-bihul;
h i w e d - h i
twist (joint) baling* lingb
twist together (strands) lubid
twitch pamimidpid
two daruwa
type (kind) kalasi
udder susu
ukelele yuki
umbilical cord pused
unable to d o ugahed
unable to tolerate ampii,
uncastrated ak6l
uncertain a b u t duwaduwa
uncle abang,
unclean b u g s y madaet
unclear (hazy) hanap
unclothed abungaw
u n m k e d hiliw
uncover s uwi
undecided about duwaduwa
under didalem; sileb
under jurisdiction of sakup
undershirt kamisita
undershorts (men's) karsunsilyu
undersized (animals) danggit
understand katuen; sabut
undertake (regardless of capacity)
undo badbad; tangkas; tangtang
undo (hook, button) pekas
undo stitches kaskas,; tangkas
undomesticated (fowl, animal) laaw
undressed abungaw
unfamiliar dalian; paglung
unfasten badbad
unfold bekal
uninhabited (place)
unload haw-as,
unlock with key yam
unmarried man malaki
unmarried woman laga
unmixed lunlun
unpack hutbut
unripe biliw
unsafe piligru
unsheathe dagtb
unsociable lung-uy
unsuccessful dalaegen
untie badbad; bukad
until taman wh e r e v e r
unusual lain
unwrap bukalkal
up sampaw
upright maligdeng; matareng
upriver diraya
uproot b a m t luka
uproot (tree) gaka
upset angel-angel; malimuseng ha
upside down palangkeb
upstream diraya
urge t o d o agda
urge t o stay longer hawid,
urinate ihi
urine ibi
use gamit; pulus,
use up amin; upus
used up quickly kalas
utensil biman
utensils galamiten; kasangkapan
uterus babataan
valuable mabal
value bali; bali-bali; pulus2
vanish hanaw,
variety kalasi
various lain-lain
vegetables utanen
vehicle salakyan
vein ugat
viand s e r i
viand (vegetable) utan
vie with palabaw
vigil over bantay
vigorous mahis-ay
village banuwa
vine gawed
vinegar sukh
violate lapas,; s u p a k
vision (dream) p a n a n - awn
visit bisita; pangungi;
visit brietly bapit
visit (to see how things are) balak;
bentel; meleg-meleg
visitor bisita; manabn
voice lageng
volcano bulkan
vomit til-ak; u t i
voracious agapan; alab-ab
wad up gum-us
waddle igang-igang
wag tail ikul-ikul
wage (daiiy) inaldawan
wages subul
waist babagan; h a w k
wait for a n g a c pasasagad
wait in ambush ayan
wake up gimata; pukaw
walk hipanaw
walk along shore pamaybay
walk around a t night delem
walk back and forth libu-libu
walk behind alundug
walk in sleep nyam
walk on stilts sagakad
walk with a limp s ~ n g k i u l ; tigki
wall dingding
wall stud marku
wallet pitaka
wallow (in mud) lenggem; t u n i
wander around laag,;
landuy-landuy; layud
wander from suway
want kabayi
war gira
ward off (blow) sagang
warehouse budiga
warm bagainaldaw
warm by fire hidarang
warn balaud
warn (of consequences) pasidaan
wart butig
wary of being approached dela;
wash benaw
wash ashore pilpil
wash away (by current) anud
wash away (by flwd) anlas
wash away (soil, debris) baulas
wash clothes pipi
wash down throat tuluy
wash face kulam-us
wash floor lampasu
waste huwi-huwi; kalkal
waste time alay; yawat
watch a h i
watch (activity) tanud
watch out for andam,
watch w e r bantay
watch (timepiece) urasan
water wahig
water container (bamboo) sal-ay
water (plants) binyag
water (standing) tang-uy
water tube (bamboo) s a k u m
waterfall kabulugan,
wattles (of rooster) antay-antay;
wave back and forth kapay-kapay
wave back and forth (with hand)
wave hand kapay
wave hands back and forth
kapay-kapay; kawi-kawi
waves (water) baled
wax (bees) t a m
way dalan; ig-agi
way of paagi
weak maguyA; maluya
weak and d i pasmu
weak (flimsy) matugb
weak (from hunger) hunus
weaken from hunger tasi
wealth aduna; katiiayunan
wealthy sapian
wean lutas
wean (chicks) uwat
weapons hinagiban
wear snl-ub
wear around neck balieg; salay
wear beard s u b i
wear belt bakes
wear clothes bisti; pinaksuy
wear comb in hair sinangkad
wear earrings a r i t i s
wear hat kalb
wear out buntas
wear ring sising
wear shoes sapatus
wear trousers babag
weary p e r i
weave (mat, basket) lala
weave on loom pangabel
wedding kaamulan
wedge in tightly balisuksuk
enget; liget
weed (an area) bilamun
weeds sagbet
week simana
weep agaU; ulabb
weevil (wood) bukbuk,
weigh timbang,
weigh down begat
well (artesian) pusu
well (open) atabay
well-behaved matareng
well-being paglawa; panlawa
well-built (muscular) supang
well-known bantugan
welt abed
west sinalepan
wet malemeg
wet (moderateiy) mahames
wharf pantalan
what inu
whatever bisan inu; sumaU
wheel ligid
when kan-u
whenever bisan kan-u
where hindu
wherever bisan hindu z e n i t h ( i n s k y )
which i n u
while k amu l u
whimper hingi-hingi; nguyenged;
s inek- s inek
whine hingi-hingi
whine (child) nguyenged
whine (dog) ngesnges
whip l a g k u t
whip a r o u n d (wind) s a l i l i i
whirl (water) s a l i l i i
whirling m a h i i n g
whirl& b u l i e k ; s a l i l u a n
whirlwind a l imp u l u s
whisper muya-muya
whistle bansuwit; pamuypuy
white m a p u t i
white ( f e a the r ed) ugi s
white hair u b a n
who s in-u
whoever bi s an s in-u
whole alan,; t i h u u k
whole (world) g awi
whose kin-u
why i m h i
wick (lamp) pabi lu
wide mabe l ad; ma l u a g
wide o p e n (eyes) masiga
widow b a l u
widower ba lu
width b a l a b a g
wife a s awa
wife (second) duway
wiggle a r o u n d iwel-iwel
wiggle back a n d forth gun&
wild animal, fowl k a l a s a n e u
wild (not tame) laaw; ma s agi l a
wild (uncultivated) l a aw
will (desire) p a g b a y i
willingly d o l u b u s
wilt lay-uh
wilt leaves in fire h a l u b
win daeg
win ove r l o one's side kabig
wind ka l amag
wind a round kulambed; likus;
lingkus; t abed
wind back and forth ban-ay
winding libed
window bintan$; kelebh
wine b i n u
wing pa l tpak
wink pe r ek
winnow u k a p
winnowing tray nigu
wipe bottom (after defecating) t i a s
wipe off pahid; t a r a p u
wire a l amb r i
wisdom ka a l am; k a t a t a u
wise ma a l am; ma t a t a u
wish for pangauduy
witch balbal; busaw
wither gangu; lay-ub; puspus
withhold (rightful sha r e ) a p i
witness t i s t igus
wobble around iwang-iwang
wok kalah$; kawi,
woman b a h i
woman (unmarried) laga
womb b a b a t a a n
wonder about ka t a l eng
wood kayu
word kagi; lalang
work buluba t eu; t r a b a h u
work a t night pangalamag
work for daily wages inaldaw;
mu s u
worker t r a b a h a u t i
world ka l ibut an
worms nled
worried bugus; kahangel; s a m u k
worried a n d sad gun1
worry k a s amu k
worship daye; s imba
wor th bali
wound arul; bugel; t a g u n i n a
wound a round irregularly l ambid
wr ap a round amba l ; ba lun;
bungkus; kul ambed
wr ap a round repeatedly t a w
wr ap in leaves l e p e r piles; t enge s
wr ap self u p (in blanket)
l ingkubuug
wr ap u p p u t u s
wreck p h i , ; kaga s
wrench (ankle) ki lh
wrench (joint) baling* lingii
wrestle h i i a d ; layug,
wring out bulibid
wrinkle gum-us
wrinkle up ke&
wrist b u k a l a a n
wristwatch r i lu
write s u l a t
writhe hiwed-hiwed
wrong k a l i b a t s a y e p
wrongdoing s a l e
yam (wild) lab-u
yank apa r t ak- ak
yank towards oneself bigkaw
yard (of house) lagwirta
yard of house l a m a
y a m l anghab
year tuig
yeast igtulin
yeast (for rice wine) t a p a y
yell da s ang; kulahi; waga-waga
yellow makalawag
yelp agwaaw
yesterday gabi
yolk of egg bul akaw
young b a i i
young (pasture animal) na t i
younger sibling ma n g h u d
zenith (in sky) udtuwan
Q - R - S
quarrel bangi; lalis; lantugi;
sa% sawali
queasy feeling (Imking down from
height) hingawa
queen myna
quick madali; masikal
quick at alistu; masilamet
quickly d o agpas,
quickly used up kalas
quiet hagteng
quiet (crying child) ayd
quiet (meek) lung-ny
quota kuta
race l u m h i
raft gakit
rafters gas-aw
rag tarapu
rag (floor) lampasu
ragged gisay
rags legdak
raid pangayaw
raider mangangayaw
railing alabat
rain urau
rain clouds daklep
rain with strong winds dalapet
rainbow halugtu
rainy lendeng
raise (child, livestock) bubi,
raise eyebrow t o signal kelat
raise from dead hanhaw
raise hand igbayaw
raise head yanghag
raise higher uswag
raise up hangun; hatun
raise welt abed
rake kahig
ransom dalekat; lekat,
rap tnktuk
rape panlayug
rapid masikal
rapids (of river) haganghangan;
rarely malagdi
rash (from moisture) hilan
rat amhaw
ration ( f w d ) ransu
rattan halagen
rattan shavings lampenis
ravine dal-ug
raw hiliw
reach tan$
reach around lingkus
reach bottom (water) tegkad
reach for gawhat; kawi,; sagkaw
reach place uma
reach summit daugag
reach up to point sungkh,
read basa
real laus,; tungkay*; untul
realization katumauan; meleg
reason hiuengdan; katarengan
rebel sukul
rebellious lalung; masinupaken
rebound latut
recede (water) hebas; tighak
receive dawat
recent hag-u
recognize kilala
recur (illness) ulat
red maligi
red (dark) malugtem
red sky pamulaaw
redeem har*i; dalekat; lekat,
reduce amount minus,
reflection alung
refrain temporarily salang
refuse balihad
refuse t o talk about limeng-limeng
regain consciousness anunaw
regard as isip
register palista
regret basul; hinulsul
regulations halaud
reign h a s ,
reject salikway
relapse beghat
relate subay, sngid
relate event hathat
relationship pagdapiti
relative suled
relatives kadumahan
release paawi
release hold butawan
reliable kasaligan
relieve (physical) banhed; huwas
relieved in mind hingdn-an
relieved (of difficult situation)
lingkawas; uhang
relinquish t o bayang
rely on salig
remain (odor) baluy
remainder sam$
remember heni-hend; timon-an
remembrance paahaan
remnant (cloth) hinulibis
r emwe awk p a a ~
remove clothing lebas; luwas,
remove earwax panuli
r emwe every bit tila
remove from heat gaun,
r emwe ladder (of house when ab-
sent) tukal
r emwe skin (animal) a n i s
r emwe (something fastened, tied)
remove (take off) puwas
r emwe top layer pawpaw
r emwe weeds hilamun
render fat law-ag
renew bag-u
renovate hag-u
renowned bantugan
rent ahang,; pliti
repair pandayi,
repay bales
repeat subli
repeat (mimic) sulit
repent hinulsul
replace hulip,; ilis; tubus
report hatbaq sumbung; teg-an;
repugnant malagsem
repulsed lagsem repulsive malaway
repulsive to look a t malamigsing
reputation dengeg
request h a n d ; panayii
require kinahanglan
rescue libri,
resemble anggid; l i t ; sumpii
reserve for future babaw-bahaw;
reside t i m i
resilient (tough) mahunit
resist sukul
respect tahud
respond tubag
responsibility kntengdanan
rest bimlay
rest on top of sang-el
restrain forcefully egen
restrain oneself pugung; tigel
resurrect banhaw
retaliate panimales; tumpang
retarded engey-engey
retract enlek
retribution (divine) g a b i
return likii
return home nli,
return home same day sauli
return to consciousness anunaw
reveal padayag
rwenge panimales
reverse baliskad; suli
reverse side dibaluy
revive (bring back t o life) buhay
revolve biyu
reward bales
ribs gusuk
rice hemay
rice (cooked) kan-en
rice (finely ground) binlud
rice grain (fine) l i i k u t
rice (husked) begas
rice (in husks) tipaka
rich sapian
rich (soil) balumbnn
riches aduna; katigayunan
rickety maguyi
ride lulan
ride together angkas
ridgepole limbubungan
ridicule tameyes
rifle pusil
rifle (air) dibnmba
right hustu
right and proper matareng
right away s a g u n i
right (privilege) katenged
right (proper) angaysn
right side kawanan
rigor mortis tindel
ring bell bagting
ring (finger) sising
ring in carabao's nase galung,
rinse (grains) gagas
rinse mouth pangnlimug
riot gnhut
rip tangkns; y a h i
ripe hinug
ripe ( w w n u t , wrn) lahing
rise high in air lib
rise q u i c w balikaw-q
rise (sun) s i b w l
rise (swell) tulin
ritualist haylan; mamumubat;
rival kaatbang
river wahii
road dalan; igagi; karsada
roam laag,
roam around landay-landuy; layud
roast (in pan) sanlag
roast (over coals) asal
roast (over fire) anag
rob takaw; t u l i
rock batu
rock back and forth uwS
rock up and down t d - t u w S
rmks (sandstone) pagang
rod (steel) ban
rodent ambaw
roll balalaw, ligid
roll eyes back and forth liraw-liraw
roll in dust pangalibukbuk
roll over ligis
roll up lulun
roll up eyes liplip; suldip; sulalip
roll up (in wrapper) balulun
roll up (pant legs) leken
roll up (pant legs, sleeves) lislis
roof a t e p
roof (finished) langkub
room kwartu
rooster balangkawitan
root ( p l a n s ) gamut
root (projecting above ground)
r w t up (with snout) suwal
rope pisi
rope in carabao's nose galung,
rotate bileng
rotate (crops) balilis
rotate on axis biyu; lisC
rotten g a b u k huglang; lerak
rotten (very soft) begtak
rough (not smooth) gis-ang;
round lireng-lireng
rounded tibulun
rove about h a g ,
row (boat) begsay
royal halangdun
rub back and forth against bag-id;
rub between hands kusu
rub behveen thumb and forefinger
rub eyes kuseng
rub face in m & m e ngasngas
rub hard against lag-ud
m b hard (body) lugud
rub into hair balubu
rub on dengges; balit; haplas;
hires; pabid
rub out panas
rub together flint and steel (to
make fire) santik
rub together sticks (to make fire)
rubber guma
rubber band lastikn
rudder bansalan
ruin daet; kagas
rule ban,; pangulu
ruler punuan
rules balaud; kasuguan
rumble (stomach) k a l i - k a l i
run pulaguy
run after alaw; Iakag; lasay
run aground (ship) s a w a d
run amuck lamal
run into bundul; dugabung;
run over ligis
run race l umb i
run tongue over dimuldimul
rung (ladder) ang-ang
runner (vine) langkat
runt ihid; kedepis
rural (not city) bariyu
rush agpas,; ana-ana; apiki;
rust tangis
sack saku
sacred balaan
sad masakit ha gabinawa
sad and worried guul
sad at a loss wili
saddle muntura; siya
sda l a ~ n g
saliva ngingi
salt asin salt cure games
salute saludu
salvation kaluwasan
same iling
same height tepeng
same time as atul,; deugau;
sand halas,; pantad
sand (fine) bayekhek
sap (sticky) g i t i
sated huhi,
save (for future) heni-hen>
save (from destruction) Iibri*;
saw (wood) gabas
say ikagi
say good-bye p a m a d ,
scab kegang
scabbard gum$
scald l a m
scales (fish) hun-ap
scales (for weighing) timhangan
scanty manipis
scar (large) pali
scare hinaldek
scare away (animals) hahuy
scarecrow etaw-etaw; kureg-kureg
scatter all w e r gaya-gaya
scatter (over area) kayat; sabwag;
scheme planu
school iskwilahan
scissors guuting
scold pauk
scoop out with hands kalut
s u n p up saluk
scoop up with hands hakup;
scoop up (with ladle) s a n d u k
scorch pagtung; tutung
scorching hot (sun) lagiting
scorpion banayaw
scrap (cloth) hinulibis
scrape kagis; lag-ud
scrape kernels from corncob u r a p
scrape off outer layer lanit
scrape off (skin) is-is,
scrape out kagud
scrape skin hangkis
scratch around (chicken) kahil
scratch itch katel
scratch itch (animal) kilkil
scratch up (body) gidgid
scratch (with nails, claws) kahus
scratchy (throat) lahang,
scream kulisek
screw up face ngeri
scribble kuris-kuris
scrub (body) lugud
scrub clean hunas
scrub floor lampasu
sea dagat
seal (airtight) hen-et
seamstress mananahi
search pan-abi
season panahun
season (dry, hot) galahung
season with salt asin
seat pinun-ayi
see aha
see (ability to) indan
see in distance t a n - a a
see off panulud
see tracks batik
seed corn bungbung
seedbed simiiyahi
seedling similya
seeds hinhi; lisu
seek advice sungkii,
seek help embang
seemingly bi su
seep into senep
seep out of salebseh
seer manalagni
segment (fruit) l e k
seize agaw; dakep
seize by neck peke1
seize prey (bird) d am
seldom malagdi
select alam,; pili
selfish kimpul; leged
sell haligyi
sell (in store) tinda
send on errand tugun
senile bungaw; lipat-lipat
sense geram
sense (of right and wrong) amet
senseless huang-huang
sensitive (easily offended)
separate snway; tapid
separate coarse (from pile) alaw-aw
separate from others dapig; lain;
serene malinaw
sermon wali
servant suluguen
jerve alagad; silbi
jesame lenga
set apart from others tapid
jet area on fire lawlaw
iet aside dapig
;et aside (for future) pundu,;
set down flat paagdang
set in place (fish trap) taen
set into (ground) pas-ek
set on edge kibil
set on edge (teeth) mangingilu
set on eggs hilemhem; lendem
set on fire tutud
set on fire ( t o burn through)
set on top luntud
set (put) ugsak
set (sun) salep
set table lamisa
set upright ugbuk
settle case busay
seven pitu
seventy kapituan
sew tahi
shackle kadina; pusas
shade eyes panaldeug
shadow alung
shady malamhung
shake yunggat
shake back and forth huyung
shake dorm tantau
shake hand back and forth
shake hands kamusta; lamanu
shake head from side to side
shake involuntarily hugdun
shake off pugpug
shake off from body pising
shake off from hand samling
shake out huyab; yabyab
shake up kagb
shaky (from hunger) hunus
shallow mahahaw
shaman baylan; mamumuhat;
shamefaced and speechless luas
ihare hahin; saad,
ihare (blanket) siib
ihare (feelings) duyug
ihare space nsun
ihare viand lupad
iharecropper saup,
;harp (taste) malalas,
iharp-edged magalang
;harpen (blade) h a s i
;harpen point talem
;harp-pointed magalang
;harpshooter palatiru
;hatter balhag
;have off (bark, peeling) w p s a p
;have off (hair) kiskis
;have (wood) haul shawl ambal
sheath gum$
shed leaves pamandulu
shed (skin, shell) hul-us
sheep karniru
shell ( m n u t ) bagul
shelter (from sun, rain) sihung
shelter (in field) bugawan
shelter (temporary) lawig
shield kalasag
shift for oneself baGg
shin lisen
shine anlag; sign,
shine (sun) silda
shiny mahiglis; masinaw
shirt pinaksuy
shiver hugdun
s h i i e n up spine gilek
shoes sapatus
shoot into air salba
shoot out p ama n i - p a n i
shoot (plant) lungbay; s a h i
s h m t with blowgun sumpit
s h m t with bow and a n o w p a n i
s h m t with firearm pusil
shoot with slingshot petik
shoots (bamboo) dahung
shore baybay
short mahahi
shortcut lakted
shortening ma n t i k i
short-legged pandak
should kinahanglan
shoulder belad,
shout agvaaw, kulahi; waga-waga
shove food in mouth dapal,
shove hard sinumag
shove over l i s i i
show p a a h i
show off galhu; pasigalhu
show up h i i l
shower with sunshine
shrill lagting
shrimp ulang
shrink kepis; legkc?
shrivel up k e g a y kepis; kimbel;
shuffle along on buttocks ilud-ilud
shut eyes (when irritated) liped,;
shut tightly taem
shy gayhi
sibling suled
sibling (next younger) nagiba
sic a dog bul-uy
sick kadaluwan
sickle (grass) takbas
sickly daluwanen
sickness dalu
side kilid
side by side abay
side of dapit
side with laban
sideburns anggigising
sieve salahan
sift ag-ag
sign m a r k , sinyal; timaan; t u u s
sign name pirma
signal antawaB; singyas; sinyal
signal with e y e b r w kelat
signature pirma
silent hagteng
silk sida
silly bagalay; tuntu; yagting
silver plata
similar anggid; iling
sin s a l i
sing kanta
singe l a n a y salab
sink downward legdas
sink in water lemes; l e n d
sink t o bottom (liquid) legdang,
sinless hingpit
sip hiiup; hulanggup
sister suled ha bahi
sister (man's) atebay
sister-in-law (male's) hipag
sister-in-law (woman's) u y i
sit down pinuu
sit idle (land) legdang,
sit in sun paninilda
sit on edge kibil
sit on eggs hilemhem; lendem
sit on haunches kumng-kurung;
sit over hole atud
sit up d u n g i d u n g i
sit with arms crossed kuyenes
sit with legs crossed linambid
sit with legs tucked beside one
situate on both sides talimbang
situate on top luntud
situation kahimtang; kaula-ula
six haenem
sixty keneman
sizzle lasisih
skeleton (reduced to) gasgas
skewer tugsuk
skill kalaki; katatau
skillful matatau
skin langgit
skin (animal) anis
skin off hul-is
skin (outer layer of animal)
skip over baklay
skirt saya
skittish gerap
skull lagas
sky langit
sky (heavens) kawanangan
sky red pamulaaw
slam down d a g h c dakdak
slant baligyas
slant downward balisugsug; tuwal
slant t o one side balingig; irag;
slap dapi; tagpi
slap face laparu
slash bigtaw, lagtas; tighas
slash (from a distance) s a n g h w i t
slash (tree t o get sap) tagpuk
slaughter l a p i
slaughter (and dress) iyaw
slave ulipen
sled ( a n ima l d r am) kangga
sleep tiruga
sleep (first stage) hulum-hulum
sleep sound halup
sleep with humb3
sleeves kawal
slender mahagpis; manahut
slice hilap; h i kalad
slice off laplap
slick malandeg
slide higyas
slide k h v e e n saluksuk
slide down dulhag; hulus; lurus
slide horizontally dula
slide off pugkis
slide to one side liling
slim mahagpis; manahut
slingshot petik
slip and slide higyas
slip behveen salangsang; saluksuk
slip into l u h u k salipsip
slip loose ligas
slip lower us-us
slip off hulus; hul-us; pekas;
pugkis; pul-ut
slip through lusut
slip under ledled
slip (undergarment) kamisun
slippery malandeg
slit busisi; didi; sisi
slit throat gelgel; sanggel2
slit (with knife facing upwards) sili
sliver dugi
slope balisugsug; tuwal s l o p e (steep)
slope (steep) balalayan
slosh back and forth kimbb
slough off skin hul-is
slow hinay; mananay
slow in comprehension buguk
slow in response, reflexes denghel
slow in understanding angu-angu
slow (laborious) m a b i i t
slow-moving bnndagul
sluggish hundagul
slur speech ngubal
slurp up higup; hulanggup
small atiy5
small around m a n s h u e matagenes
small (very) mayentek
smash pesi
smear on hidbid; hires; lupit
smell nareg
smell singed danglis
smell foul (stagnant water) bang-eg
smile gemen
smoke ebel
smoke (cigarettes) nnay
smoke out pubag
smooth mahiglis
smooth (water) leneng
smoothe (rough fiber) agit
smother puet
snake bunsalagan; langgam
snap off bagti; ipb,
snap off (branch) bunggd; hunglu
snare (with birdlime) pulut
snarl gumun; gusang
snatch agaw; labni; salunit
snatch prey (bird) dawi
snatch prey (large water creature)
sneak up on lulud
sneeze bahan-en; pisnga
sniff a t sungsung
sniff (cheek) u u u i
sniff in air bangud-hangnd;
snore bageng
snort haguk-haguk pamusenga;
snout bamngus
so (therefore) aman
soak hulem
soak through senep
soap sabun
soar palepad
sober-faced samed-eng
soft (fruit) bueg
soft (mushy) l e r a k mayuti
soft (not crisp) hnbay,
soft (not hard) mahumel;
soft (not loud) hinay
soft (rotten) begtak
soft (voice) mananay
soft (wood) matugb
softspoken manay5
soil pis3
soil (poor) damilag
soiled hugaw; madaet
solder tinggh
soldier snudalu
sole bngtung
sole of foot palu
solidify timperek
sometimes samug
somewhat malb
somewhat (hut not quite)
son b a t i ha maama
song kanta
son-in-law lagawas; makaamung
scan dani; laus,
scot agny; buling
soothsayer manalagn3
sorcery barang
sore (infected) kaluli
sorry about basul
soul gimukud; kalag
sound laeene
- -
sound (banging) latakung
sound (bubbling, rumbling of
stomach) l&uk
sound (clacking of raindrops)
sound (clanking, clattering)
kagal-kagal; latangkeb
sound (clanking repeatedly) tagiltil
sound (clicking of tongue) taklir
sound (clinking) latingkik
sound (crackling of tree) baghb3
sound (crackling, raspy) sagalsal
sound (crashing, banging) latabi
sound (crunching) lagumd;
lakebkeb; lakeres; yangasngas
sound (droning, buzzing)
yagenweng; yegeng-yegeng
sound (dull cracking) lagupb
sound (gurgling) kulb-kulb
sound hollow tagungtung
sound of warning (chicken) kulenek
sound (popping) karat-karat
sound (popping, crackling) lageti
sound (pounding) pagalpal;
sound (produce) daging
sound (rattling) kagalkal
sound (roaring) keneg-keneg
sound (roaring wind, water)
sound (rumbling) dabeneg
sound (rushing water) daganas
sound (rustling) kagas-kagas;
sound (rustling wings) lakubkub
sound (scraping) kagadkad;
sound (scratching) kuras-kuras
sound (sneaky) kagiskis
sound (slapping) lategpi
sound (snapping) lagutus
sound (splashing) lakagbc
sound (squeak, creak) kiget-kiget
sound (stomping) kutal-kutal
sound (thudding) dagebli; dagupi;
sound (thudding footsteps)
d a b e k d a b e k
sound (thumping) dagkatul;
sound (walking through water)
sound (whirring) wageswes
soup sabaw
sour maperes
sour smell bal-es
source (of river) kaulu
soursop abana
sow (old) balaug
sow seeds sabwag; sawed
space (outer) kawanangan
spacious maluag
sparingly use atb-at* inut
sparkle gilh-gilk siga-siga
sparkling makinlab
spatter lagsik
spay bakit
speak ikagi
speak indistinctly ngubal
speak loudly dasang
speak t o sima
spear (barbless) bangkaw
spear (fish) arang; bidyii
speck in eye puling
speckled (feathers) alamay,;
speech kagi; lalang
spend money gastu
spend night bulabung
spend uselessly kalkal
spew out buga; bugwak
spicy malalas,
spider lalaw3 s t o p by
spill out bus-ag; budhud
spill w e r husud; lapay
spin biyu; hileng; tuyuk,
spinning mabigeng
spirit deities diwata
spirit (evil) balbal; busaw
spirit (person) gimukud
spiritless (meek) lung-uy
spit ileh
spit blood dipla
spit out bela; buga; sampilk
spit up t i l a k
splash kimbd; saw-ig; sikab-uug;
simbuld; t amp b i k
splash and cause ripples simbeg
splatter lagsik; tampisik
split along grain bansiak; biak
split down middle of back (carcass)
split lengthwise beghg payad
split lip simh
split open b u l a n bus>si
spoiled (food) b a l e
spokesman kagun
spoon (large) kutsara
spoon (small) kutsarita
spouse asawa
sprain piaug
sprain (ankle) kilb
sprain (joint) baling;; l i n g i
spread all w e r gays-gaya
spread (disease) dalin
spread news sangyaw
spread on dengges; pahid
spread out bekal; bilad; hilad
spread out mat buklad
spread out on dempas; katag
spread ( w e r area) kayat
spread w e r entire area lekep
spring (water) tuburau
sprinkle pesik2
sprinkle (plants) biuyag
sprinkle (powder) bukbuk2
sprinkle (salt, water) pitik,
sprinkle slightly damb
sprout branch saliugsing
sprout leaves pandabun; unlut
sprout (seeds) geti
spur on (by kicking) degpi
spurn salikway
spurs (fowl) begtek,
spurt out pamaud-pani
spy on paniid
squash kalabasi
squash (crush) p e s i
squat down kuruug-kuruug; leeh
squawk iyagak; pegak
squeak kiget-kiget
squeal (pig) alak-ak
squeamish about filth lamigsiug
squeeze kemes
squeeze between finger and thumb
squeeze flat yumpipi
squeeze in fut gamak; kemet;
squeeze into tight place leseng;
liet; lipit
squeeze out liquid pegh
squid uukus
squint peyeng
squirm bihul-bibul
squirt out pamanh-pans; sumpit
stab dugbang; tug-ad
stab (animal) duslak
stack up apid
stagger dugungdugung
stagnant lang-ug
stain from sap g i t i
stairs hageran
stake out house tarek,
stalk lulud
stalk at night delem
stalk (bananas) bulig,; upas
stalk (plant) kayu
stammer hali-hald; sampilut
stamp feet kuraug-kuraug;
stand hitiudeg; tiyareg
stand on end (hair) lukagaug;
stand on top luntud
stand out (veins) panggataw
stand rigidly in place bawid,
stand up (feathers) lukagaug
stand up suddenly liguuhat;
stand up to sukul
staple food (rice, w r n ) kauyagau
star bituen
star (morning) makabugms
Stare at teugteng
start puund; sugud
start from sukad
startle higpat; kignat
starve tasi
statue larawan
stay teleu; timh
stay awake pulang
stay in field house pangalasan
stay overnight hulabung
steal takaw; tulis
steal food (dog) kawad
steam alisusu
steam (in leaves) baki
steel asiru; puthaw
steep masilid
steer waling
stem kayu
step lakad
step aside lira8
step heavily on lagunas
step on giek; katig,; t a k u n i
step (stain) ang-aug
stepfather amay-amay
stepmother inay-inay,
stick (digging) guad; kali
stick in passageway (bony object)
stick out dikwal
stick t o deket,; peket; pikit; pilit
stick upright ugbuk
stick with loyaw unuug
sticks (small) ling
sticky malagket
sticky from sap g i t i
stiff bisekeg
stiff (cloth) matigseu
stiff (corpse) tindel
stiff (from inactivity) lumiug
stiff (from rigor mortis) kesegan
stiff (limb) kuwing
still (calm) maliuaw
stilts sagakad
sting seged
stinger (bee) baslay
stinging malalas,; maperes
stingy keret; kimpul; leged
stir b a l w kabug; kuligaw;
kulikaw; tikal
stir (mwe ) kayug
stir (to mix liquids) kutaw
stir up (group causing dispersion)
stirred up (excitable) gimek
stitch tahi
stomach getek; tungul
stomach (pit) kaupukau
stomach protruding buutit
stomp feet karaw-karaw
stomp on takdang
stone batu
stool bantalau
stoop under sulahug
s twp e d guka
stoopshouldered bungkug
stop eudh
stop blazing ulipus
stop breathing eget
stop by hapit stop f u n c t i o n i n g
stop functioning patsy
stop making sound tipan-ek
stop motion taleeu
stop raining tikdaw
stop temporarily salang
store tindahan
store in granary dap3,
storehouse budiga; kamalig
stories balatbatenen; nauangenen;
story (of house) audana
s t w e sugbabh
straight (not curved) mataldeng;
taldeng; tul-id
straighten b u u h a r tul-id
strain (filter) sala
strange dalian; lain
strangle hiket
strangle (with hands) peke1
strap sau-nng
strap around waist t a l d s
straw lagami; nhnt
straw (for drinking) nsuk
stray h a g ,
stream s a p 3
street dalan; karsada
strength bis-ay
stretch kanat
stretch limbs bunhat; pamimihed
stretch out bingat
stretch out across salalay
stretch out arms horizontally
stretch out legs paninikway;
stretch straight out pannnul-id
stretch straight out (legs)
stretch taut i n a t
strew s a h g ; sawed
stride lakad
strike hom behind saugb
strike out with hooves kambang
strike with club bunal
strike with fist daug; sumbag
strike with swinging motion limbet
string (musical instrument) kwirdas
string up ketel
strip abaca hag-ut; lunit
strip off lanit
strive hard sigum
stroke gently haphap
stroll libu-libu; pasiyu
strong mabisay; makeseg
strong (firm) mabigel; malig-en
strong-willed madesen ha nlu
struggle for breath ligek
strum kaskas,
strut around (rooster) sagigil
stubborn madesen ha ulu
stuck engee liget
stuck between teeth tinga
student iskwila
study tucn
stuff in liet
stuff mouth buknd; upal
stuffed head pamuet
stumble and fall fornards usmad
stump (tree) tued
stunt (plants) hanung
stunted (in size, growth) igtel
stupid engey-engey; lamlam;
sturdy ma b i p l ; malig-en
stutter hala-hala
sty in eye bnusilaw
subdued hepey-bepey; lung-uy
subject t o sakup
subjects ginsakupau
submerge salep
submerge in water lened
submerse in water lemes
subside (pain) banhed; henay
substitute hulip,; ilis
subtract alat
suck in noisily (air, saliva) bithit
suck juice out (sugarcane) uus
suck (liquid) yepyep
suck nectar heleb; sisim
suck on em-em
suck out supsup
sucker (plant) saha
suddenly tigkan; t i k aw
suds hula-buld
suet sibu
suffer a n t u s
suffer extremely kabayadan
suffering alantnsen
sufficient hustu; kampet; tuman,
suffocate puet
sugar matam-is
sugarcane tub6
sugarcane press ligid-ligid
suicide hiket
suitable angayan; hustu
sulk balaw,
sultry madagangdang
summit dangagan
summon umaw
summon by waving hand kapay
sun aldaw
sunbathe paninilda
sunken (eyes) makaleb
sunset kasakep
sunshine silda
superior labaw
supper labung; panihapuu
supple lubay
supposition pauauglitau
supreme being magbabayi
sure siguru
surf baled
surge tubii
surname apilidn
surprised a t kabeleng
surround bungkus; libut
SUM% pesik,
suspect duda
suspend bitay
suspicious madudahen
sustenance kalan-enen
suture tabi
swallow lam-ed
swallow whole bakal; hamel6
swallow with liquid inum; tuluy
swamp basakan
swarm around buruk
swarm (bees) halnu
swat la-
sway dilay
swear p a n ump i
Sweat ating
sweep paspas; silhig
sweet maemis
swell up begtek,; lebag
swerve hom suway
swift (current) maseleg
swim languy; pamalas
swim across (river) anunung
swim undenvater sulip
swindle gansi; ilad
swing tapli
swing arms kubay-kubay
swing arms and legs kuway-kuway
swing back and forth bagu-bagu;
h m y , ~ Y - W
swing in hammock duyau
swing to one side weles
swipe at lagwes
swoop do
sword ispada
sympathize with duyug
synchronize kumpas
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