Monday, April 2, 2012


cabbage  r ipulyu 
cackle  (hen)   pangangakak 
cage  (fowl)  k a r ump u l ;   l egeui  
calamity  k a t a l a gma n  
calf  nati  ha   baka  

calf  (of leg)  lisen 
call  umaw 
call  attention  t o   s a g d a  
call  o n   spirits  pangambi t ;  
callus  kubal, 
calm  malinaw 
calm  (water) leneng 
camote tops   (young)  bikl a s  
can  l a t a  
canal (irrigation)  k a n a l  
candle  k a n d i l i  
cane (for  beating)  b a t u t a ;   g a h u  
cane  (for  walking)  b a s t u n ;   sugkud 
canoe  b a r u t u  
c ap (of container)  t a n g e b  
capable  of  bahg;  kabaluy;  kahimu 
capsule  t a b l i t a s  
captive  bibag 
capture  dakep 
c a r abao  kalabaw 
c a r abao (bull)  a n d a m l  
c a r abao (female)  banglus  
c a r e   for   a l ima ,  
care  for  (animals)  baki ru 
care  for   (baby)  lagimu 
careful  andam,  
careful  not  t o  offend  igpid 
careless  bangal;  t amb a n g  
carry  uwit 
carry (ability t o )   b e n a t  
carry  a c r w  a rms   balangday; 
sampiyaya;  s a p n a y  
carry a round  neck  seng-ay 
carry between  t e e th  t angag 
carry in  hand  ba l abad;   bi tbi t  
carry  in  several trips  bakut ,  
carry  in  sling across chest  s a lulu 
carry off (by cur r ent )   a n u d  
carry off  (by  flood)  a n l a s  
carry o n  back  b a b a  
carry o n  head  u t u  
carry o n  hips  s apipi  
carry o u t   t uma n ,  
carry  over shoulder  t i a n g  
carry  over shoulder with  s t r ap 
carry together  l a n t i n g  
cart  (large)  k a m m a t a  
cart  (small)  k a r i t u n  
cartilage  kayebkeb 
carton  k a r t u n  
carve  (wood)  b a u l  
case  (legal)  k a s u  
cassava  binggala 
castrate  b a k i t  
cat  b u m n g  
catch  dakep;   kempel 
catch o n   fire  deke t ,  
catch o n  t o   s ab- i t  
catch  u p  with  gapen 
catch wa t e r   tang-el 
catch with  bands   t a m u k  
catch with  lasso  s a l u b i  
cause  bineugdan 
cave  (dugout) lungib 
cave  (natural)  langub;  liyang 
cave-in  legdas 
cavity  lungag;  p u s h  
cavity in  tooth  t i t i b  
ceiling  a l k u b a  
celebrate  s aulng 
cellophane  s i lupin 
cemetery  panl ebengi  
centavo  s i n t a b u  
center  l im*   t a l i m r i  
centipede  t a p i l a k  
chaff  u k a p  
chaff  (corn)  a l u b a b a  
chain  kadina  
chair  b a n t a l a n ;   pinun- ayi  
challenge t o  d o   agda  
challenge  ( t o  fight, contest)  anggis 
chance  l u g a r  
change  ilis 
change  course  a l i b u t  
change direction  balikung 
change  into  ba lbin;   k a b u b a t  
change  (mind)  ba l in 
change (money)  sinsilyu;  sukl i  
chant story  limbay 
chant  using figurative  speech 
chapter  (of  book) kapitulu 
char  pagtung;  t u t u n g  
character  kinaiya 
charcoal  buling;  uling 
charm  ant ing- ant ing;   dagen; 
kina adman 
charm  (good  luck)  m u n t i y i  
charter pakyaw 
chase  alaw;  l akag;   lasay 
chatter (monkey)  ke r a -ke r a  
cheap  b a r a t u  
cheat  gansi;  l imbung 
check  t r ap  for  game   pannngaw 
:heck  up o n   s u s i  
the ek  pipi 
:beep loudly  iyak-iyak 
:best  (body)  kagpa 
:hest  (storage)  k a b a n  
:hew  s e p i  
:hew  (ability t o )   a l a p  
:hew  betel nut  m a m i  c o n s i d e r  i n f e r i o r  
chew hard kebkeb 
chew meat  off  bone  il-il 
chew on  $ p i  
chew tobacco  laget 
chick  piyak 
chicken  manuk 
chicken yard  tangkal 
chickenpox  palukpuk 
chieftain  datii 
chieftain (female)  bai 
child  b a t i  
chilly  m a t i n l  
chimney  (lamp)  tubu 
chip pieces  from  tiplak 
chip small piece  sibang;  teblig 
chipped (plate)  gepik 
chips (wood)  ubang 
chirp loudly  iyak-iyalt;  siyak-siyak 
chisel  tigib 
choke off  p l a n s   hanung 
choke o n   higlek 
choke with  hands  peke1 
choose  alam,;  pi13 
choosy  amili 
chop all way  through  (tree)  utas 
chop  up  getad 
chop  up into small  pieces  tahal 
church  simbahau 
circle  libut 
circular  lireng-lireng 
circumstances  kahimtang 
citizens  ginsakupan 
civil  authorities  panggubernuhan 
claim  as own  abin,; angken 
claim  responsibility  angken 
clamp down ligpit 
clap hands  palakpak 
class  kalasi 
clavicle  pakaw 
claw  sulu 
claw  (chicken)  kahil 
claw  (crustacean) gimpit;  sipit 
clean  limpyu 
clean  up w e l y  bit  tilii 
clean wound  langgas 
clear an  area  hawan 
clear  (distinct) mapayag 
clear field  sakem 
clear (not  muddy)  ting-aw 
clear throat panagulaham 
clearly visible  through  mailag 
clench  in  list  kumii 
clever  alistu;  matatau 
cleverness  kalaki 
click tongue  t a k l i  
cliff  pangpang 
cliff (rocky)  dampiyas 
cliff (steep) dalama

climb down  alus-us;  l u g n i  
climb up  latun;  panahik 
cling t o   pikit 
clip  gipit; ligpit 
cloak  ambal 
clock  urasan 
close door, window  keleb;  sira 
close eyes  lipereng 
close eyes  to a slit  peyeng 
close lips tightly logether  panguliem 
close mouth  tiem 
close (near)  ubay 
close together  mahies;  sensen 
close up  (opening)  kiput 
close up  (wound)  umangit 
clot  (blood)  t i m p r e k  
cloth  manggad 
clothes  hiisti;  gumit;  pinaksuy 
clothesline  halayhayi 
cloud of  dust  alihegheg 
cloud w e r   lambung 
clouds  gabun 
club  lupak 
club  (for beating)  batuta;  gahu 
cluck  (hen)  kelek 
cluster  daweg;  pungpung 
cluster  (bees) balun 
coagulate (blood)  tigsen;  timperek 
coals (burning)  aluten 
coarse  (fibers, grains)  dahel 
coarse (large particles)  bagal 
coarse (not smooth)  magis-ang 
cock  balangkawitan 
cock (fighting)  baten 
cockerel  balhalangkawitan 
cocktight  bulang;  sabung 
cockpit  bulangan 
cocoa  kakaw 
coconut  lubi 
coconut milk  g a t i  
-nut  shell  hagul 
wffee  kapi 
wffee beans  (unmilled)  tipaka 
wffee grounds  kapal 
w f i n   lungun 
cogon  grass  salaysay 
coil around likus 
coil up  balukus;  bangkuli; 
coincide in  time  atul, 
coincidence  salagmi 
wins  plata 
cold  matinb 
cold  in  head  sip-un 
collapse  tempag 
collarbone  pakaw 
collect  amul 
collect money  sukut 
collide  banggk  suguk 
color  bahelek 
colt  nati  ha  kabayu 
comatose  ananang 
comb  suwat 
comb (for  lice)  danggut 
comb of  chicken  sulang 
come back  likii 
come down  alus-us;  l u g n i  
come here dini 
come out at  night  (animals)  delem 
come out  from under  g i m u h d  
come out  of water  onto land  gauu, 
come to an end pangkus;  upus 
come to mind  h e n i - b e n i  
come to shore  dunggii 
comfort  langan 
comfortable  hayahay 
command  sugii 
commend  dalig;  day6 
comment on  sagda 
commit adultery panapaw 
commit  suicide  hiket 
commotion  gubut 
community work  pahina 
companion  duma 
compare  tanding 
compassion  kahid-u 
compel  peges 
complain  amulung;  riklamu 
complete  iwas;  penga 
completely  pulus, 
compress (into tight  place)  dasek 
conceal  han-ek;  heles;  liluug 
concern  labet 
concern for welfare  gagaw 
concerned  bagus;  kahangel 
conduct  batasan 
confess  sugid; tug-an 
confine  purisu 
confine (airtight)  ben-et 
conflict over  bang3 
confused gibu;  liheg 
confused (due to old age)  bungaw 
congregate  amul-amul 
connection  labet 
conquer  dseg 
conscious of  tukaw 
consent to  t a n g d l  
consequently  aman 
conserve  heni-beni 
conserved  for future bahaw-bahaw 
wnsider  h e n i - h e u i  
wnsider  as  isip 
wnsider  inferior  paamani c u t  
console  langan 
constipated  ateg 
consume  amin 
contagious  dalin 
container  talaguay 
container (empty) balayan, 
contaminate  dalin 
content  maayad ha  gabinawa 
contentious  knlibed 
contents  t a g i  
contest  l n m b i  
continually  dayun  dP;  sigi; 
continue  dayun 
continue as  far as  taman 
contort  body  bihul-bibul 
contract for whole job  pakyaw 
contrary to  supak 
contribute  a m u t  
control self  pugung;  tigel 
converse  lalang 
convert  kabig 
convince  benal 
convulse  bidbid;  sawan 
convulse (in  death throes)  sabe 
c w  (dove)  butbnt, 
c w  (rooster)  panaleklek 
c w k   l u t i  
cook a long time  l a g t i  
w o k  in  bamboo  lutlut 
w o k  in  m o n u t  milk  gat5 
c w k  (in  leaves)  baki 
c w k  in  lots of water  kalayu; 
wo l  off  babay, 
c w l  off  food bahaw 
COW  iling 
cord (thick) pisi 
corn  kamais 
corn  (finely ground) binlud 
corn grits  kalambegas 
corn on  cob (boiled)  tilaub 
corn silk  ayuba 
corn  (young)  alup-up 
corncob  pungangu 
corner  degsil;  suyuk 
correct  hustu;  untul 
corrupt  d a e t  
cost  bali 
cotton  gapas 
cough  bubP 
cough  hard  lekag 
cough (heavy and prolonged) 
cough up  til-ak 
cough up phlegm  kelhad 
counsel  sambag 
count  iyap;  kwinta 
country  nasud 
courage to d o   amel 
courageous mabalaw 
court  panhnsayi 
court  trial  hnsay 
cousin  suled 
covenant  kasabntan 
uwe r   tambnn 
cover contents (of  basket)  lap-en 
cover  (drape over) kal-ep 
cover entire area  lekep 
cover hole sengseng 
cover over  by  f l w d   sapu 
cover over  opening  ipel;  kiput 
cover over with  dirt  tambak 
cover self  completely  lingkubung 
cover up  (small  hole)  bulip, 
cover with  blanket  habel, 
cover with  dirt  bnnbnn 
cover with  dust  aliyabuk 
cover with  hand  dap-en 
cover with  leaves  piles 
cover with  lid  taklnb;  tangeb 
cover with  mat  for warmth 
cover with  water  enep;  lenep 
covet  kaayat 
cow  baka 
cow  (female)  banglus 
cowardly  talaw 
cowlick  bulibul 
coy  yagting 
crab  kayumang 
crack  bagtad 
crack joints  lagupb 
crack open  bagtad;  beka 
cracked  (glass)  gepik 
cradle  uwaan 
cradle in  arms  balangday, 
cramp in  leg  pangisen 
cramp in  stomach  alimbahed 
crash into  banggk  dasmag 
crate kahnn 
crave panganduy 
crave f w d   pangalaling;  sabelek 
craw  abenan, 
crawl  pananap 
crawl  under  ledled;  snlahug 
crazy  kalay;  libeg 
creak  kiget-kiget 
creak (joints)  lagupb 
crease gum-us; lumping;  lupi 
create  tanghag3 
creek  sap& 
creep  pananap 
creepy feeling  gilek 
crime  salP 
crinkle up  legk6 
crippled  pigket 
crisp  magubb 
crisscross  bangday 
criticize  saway 
crocodile bnaya 
crooked  balingig;  baluk*  h i m  
crop  a b e t  
crop (abundant)  ural 
crop (fowl)  abenan, 
cross  lvus 
cross a  bridge  taytay 
cross eyes  libat, 
cross over  layun 
cross perpendicularly  lambag 
cross river  lapas, 
cross-eyed  hilang 
crouch down  leeb 
crow  wakwak 
crow  (rooster)  tagauk 
crowbar  bara 
crowd  in  small  space  lipit 
crowd  together  dasek 
crown of  head  gimpupulu 
crucifix  krus 
cruel  mapasipala 
crumble down  tempag 
crumple  gum-us 
crumple up  kemet 
crunch (chew)  kebkeb 
crush  lupec  p e s i  
crush with  fingernail  keres 
crust on scalp (baby)  lalanguyen 
cry  agald;  u l a h i  
cry  out  for help  paugananay 
cry out  loudly  iyagak;  kulahi 
cry readily  lugib 
cucumber  kandul 
cultivate land  um6 
cup  tasa 
cured  kanlian 
curl  hair  kulut 
curl  up  (when sleeping)  pamalukb 
curse  tungayaw 
curtain  kurtina 
curve  (bend) pikb 
curve in  road  balikungan 
curved  balukb 
custom  batasan 
customer (regular)  suki 
Customs  naanaran 
customs (religious)  taleesan; 
cut  bilap

cut  all  the way through  pitas;  u t a s  
cut  back  and  forth  helhel 
cut  by  thorns  dugi 
cut close t o  ground (grass)  sidsid 
cut  crookedly  tulipas 
cut  down  (abaca)  hatas 
cut down  (banana)  t e b i  
cut  down  (grass)  takhas 
cut down piece  (bamboo)  tangba 
cut down  (tree)  pilay 
cut down with  sickle  sangget 
cut kom  a  distance  sangkawit 
cut  hair short  tabulug 
cut in  on conversation  salusamhat; 
cut in  pieces, slices  hiwi 
cut into chunks  saksak 
cut into  halves lengthwise  (chicken) 
cut into small  pieces  gereb;  kalad; 
cut lengthwise  beghi 
cut notches  taged 
cut off  laplap;  tamped 
cut off  a t  ground  level  peek 
cut  off branches  tunglu 
cut  off  ear  lapung 
cut off  end  talebteb 
cut off end  (fruit, vegetable) 
cut off (fruit from tree)  getang 
cut  off (hand  of  bananas)  sepi 
cut  off  head  pungul 
cut off kernels of  corn  dapdap; 
cut off  (nodules)  lagiplip 
cut off  (tail, feathers)  tumpug 
cut  slit  didi 
cut through  lagtas;  tastas;  uteng 
cut through  at joinIs  ula, 
cut through (material)  t a b a s  
cut  up  getad 
cut up  branches  t a l u t i  
cut  up  crosswise  geleb 
cut  up  (felled tree, branches) 
cut  up meat  sapii 
cut (vine)  bigtaw 
cut (weeds)  d i i d i  
cut with  scissors  gunting 
cut  (wound)  a r u l  
cyst  in  neck  legay-legay 

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